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Though We Couldn't Meet...

Totally Transformed Ministries

Yesterday would have been Freedom Friday, our latest event ministering the healing and freeing power of Jesus, available to all that will come to Him with a broken and contrite heart. But instead, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the event had to be cancelled while we wait for the world to return to normal with the gathering of ourselves together to seek the Lord in corporate settings.

In spite of the loss of the event, we know God is on the move, drawing us to Him while our normal "go-to's" have been stripped away. Instead of all of the events we would normally be attending in church settings, we find ourselves uniting in prayer for the healing of our nation and world, having church at home instead of in a building. We find ourselves spending more time together in a few weeks than we may have done in months or even years. That's a good outcome - in spite of all the bad outcomes we have had to face as a society.

What's the Lord saying to you during this time? Are you allowing Him to replace distractions no longer available with time in His presence, or are you just replacing one kind of distraction for another? I'm writing to myself here, as I write to you - don't miss this opportunity to lay a foundation of right priorities for spending time with the Lord and those that matter most. As the world opens up again and we get back to a "new normal", let's commit to making sure we look to Him first for our provision, health and comfort even when our other interests and entertainments can once again be had. Let's continue to have "church at home" even when we can have "church at church." When we cultivate a practice of coming together in the presence of God within the intimate settings of our homes, marriages and families thrive.

We will have Freedom Friday again - so be sure to stay connected with Totally Transformed Ministries for more information about upcoming events as they are scheduled. If we can pray with you during this time, please email us at

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